The UNC v Duke FOOTBALL Rivalry

Carolina Duke
November05/ 2015

Carolina DukeLeave it to “Universal Nice Guy” Bob Holliday to offset a bit of the “What’s Really Important” kerfluffle created by Bre’r Chansky’s journalistic  priorities.  Here is Bob Holliday’s lengthy article on the subject of The Carolina v Duke FOOTBALL Rivalry. 

They play each other in FOOTBALL?   Who knew?

Sure, I realize our readers of the Wolfpack persuasion are clicking out of this page faster than the speed of Light.   A news story on Highlights of The Tom Reed / Monty Kiffin Eras would likewise not have a universal appeal.

I considered titling this Quirky News piece – Swofford Proposes Death Penalty for His Alma Mater – just to lure in a few blood-thirsty passer-bys; but decided what the hell. …. What Kate Upton Thinks About Victory Bells was my other consideration.

Bob does a fine job noting notable UNC v Duke Football games over the past 60+ years.  It is a fine read for anyone with an eclectic non-partisan curiosity about the regional sports scene.   Which, at last count, is 27 people.

Wally hisownself…. Choo Choo…. Max Chapman’s boot…. Leo’s Shoestring Play…. Miller’s Bootleg…. Spurrier’s Scoreboard Picture…. all the way to last Fall’s “Trash The Lockerroom”. …. but alas, there is no mention of Earle Edwards so we just lost BK.



Duke and UNC: Rivals who agree to disagree


We have seen something of a rapprochement (a WHAT?) lately between Duke and North Carolina. Fierce rivals in fund raising, the competition for institutional exposure, the recruitment of top students and faculty, and of course the medical field, the two schools actually held a joint press conference a few weeks ago to announce winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry-one from each school. But on the subject of football, the schools agree to disagree.

You see Duke deeply believes it has defeated North Carolina 38 times against 59 defeats. The folks at UNC say no it’s 60-37. The schools do agree there have been four ties, so there is that. The disagreement centers over the disputed matchup of 1889. Each school lists a home forfeit, 1-0. So was that game supposed to be up on “The Hill” or over at Methodist Flats?” Again, they agree to disagree.

Inside the Rivalry: Duke vs. UNC Football   One can’t take a serious look at this rivalry without examining the impact of Wallace Wade. North Carolina dominated the early days of this series, and then in 1931 Duke lured Wade away from Alabama. Total turnaround.




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